Monday 31 March 2014

Conventions of Narrative

Plot and Narrative Structure
Plot : Exposition - development, climax, resolution and turning account. The development of tension, suspension and conflict.
Structure - The order that events are revealed. Structure can be flashback, flash forward, chronological, circular, foreshadowing and a final twist.

Identify the protagonist, antagonist, mean character(s), minor character, the other construction of character through: point of view, description, speech/dialogue, thoughts, action, symbolism, stereotypes, representation of identities, attitudes, values and ideologies through character.

Time, place, atmosphere, setting as a representation of a society constructed through description, symbolism, imagery allusion/references.

Central ideas/issues explored in the text.

Narrative Point of View
Narrative point of view is the relationship between the reader and narrator which determines the distance. First, second and third person omniscient.

Language, style and tone
Style - The way something is said, for example formal, informal, slang, etc.
Tone - Tone refers to the mood and attitude within the text, for example sarcasm, questioning, angry, etc.
Style and tone is created through the use of language and language devices.

There are four theorists in which have different concepts on narrative:
Tzvetan Todorov
Vladimir Propp
Roland Bathes
Claude Levi-Strauss

Tzvetan Todorov

Vladimir Propp

Roland Bathes

Claude Levi-Strauss

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