Wednesday 23 April 2014

Logo of production company

Previously we liked the name 'Viva La Revolucion', but due to us not really being able to speak Spanish and that not really having a representation of our company, we decided to change our name to 'Royal Pictures' because Royal means to have a status and that is what we intend for this project to have, status. 

Logo 1

When planning our logo, we first had to establish what we wanted our company to represent. 
We used the colour blue for our first logo because we wanted our logo to represent trust and tranquility within the company. We had an image of a camera placed above the name of the company because a camera represents the capturing of objects and movement.We used a white background instead of a black one or any other colour because we felt that the colour white made the blue stand out more.

Logo 2

For this logo we felt that the logo needed to represent the name of our company. We however, didn't use any images because we wanted out company to come across as simple and that we only focus on the thriller. The colour gold was used because we felt that gold represented 'royalty' and due to the name of the company being Royaal Pictures, we thought that this logo was the right choice.

Chosen Logo

After days of creations, we decided to create a logo that would represent our company's meaning. Although we felt that the previous logo did just that, we thought it was too plain and needed a image. We decided to have a Lion as the image to represent the name because as you may know a lion is said to be a king of the jungle, which is royalty.

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