Thursday 8 May 2014

Evaluation 6) What have you learnt about techniques from the process ofconstructing this media product?

What I've learnt:
have learnt a variety of skills through technologies from the process of constructing a media product.
Firstly, I learnt how to film a thriller, using different camera angles and edits. Using different cameras doesn't only show different angles; it allows you to see characters responses and facial expression, which allows the audience to interpret how a character is feeling.

Constructing a media product also allowed me to use Blogger. Using blogger allow me to expand upon my knowledge on how to conduct research, planning for my thriller and also how to publish plans and research in which I carried out.

I was also able to learn how to edit scenes for a film. I was able to add special effects to scenes, for example changing the quality of the background by manipulating light. Learning how to edit also allow me to merge different clips to make it all look like an full scene, rather than showing separate clips.
Without Sony Vegas I wouldn't have been able to carry out the edits. Through YouTube I learnt how to do most of the little tweaks in which I needed to know in order to edit scenes within the thriller.

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