Tuesday 6 May 2014

Research Cinematography

What is Cinematography?                

Cinematography is the art of motion picture photography. It is the technique of movie photography, which includes both the development and shooting of  a film.
Cinematography sees the way a camera shot is going to be framed,how the camera angle is going to be taken and the movement of the camera itself. Cinematography gives the characters different representations in order for the reaction of the audience to differ from each character.

Camera Angle:

There are different types of different camera angles and each one has a different effect.
High angle shots can make a scene more dramatic by simply just looking down at the object and can have an effect on class and status, for example, if the camera is showing someone standing over someone, it will show that the person below is lower than the higher person in class & status.
Low angle shots are efficient because it can used to symbolise the superiority of a character.

Camera Shot:

There are different types of camera shots, such as: a mid shot, a close up, an establishing shot, point of view shot, etc.

Firstly, there is a close up shot. A close up shot is when the camera is tightly framed to capture an object, mainly a characters face. Doing this will allow the audience to have a sense of how the character is feeling, due to his/her's facial expression.
An establishing shot shows the overview of a object, city (the scene), which shows the location and the settings. This is normally used an the introduction in order for the audience know what the scenery is.
A mid shot shows some part of the subject in more detail while giving an impression of the who subject.
And lastly, an point of view shot is basically showing the situation from the characters point of view, which allows the audience to see exactly what the character is seeing.

Camera Movements:

Camera movement plays a big part in the making of film or video. It plays a key part in directing the audience's attention because the camera moves with the object or the character with the frame. There are different definitions of camera movements and they are defined by the camera movement.
Pan movement: is when the camera moves horizontally, left and right.
Dolly movement: the camera is escalated on a a cart which then travels along tracks for a very smooth movement.
Zoom Movement: the camera doesn't move, but a change in the lens focal length makes it look like the camera is moving in closer.

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